Jan Kopetzky
Artist Info
Jan Kopetzky was born 1976 in Berlin. Jan got his first camera when he was twelve years old and by the time he was sixteen he knew he will be a photographer. From that point on his path was clear: high school photography classes, photographing for the school paper and yearbook, a photography degree from the Lette-Verein Berlin (1998-2001), assisting Benno Kraehahn in Berlin, and many freelance assistant jobs with national and international photographers such as Esther Haase, Olaf Blecker, Peter Lindbergh, Annie Leibovitz, Rankin, as well as working in the art buying section of Philipp und Keuntje in Hamburg. His love of portrait photography - especially his keen interest in the people he portrays - has always been evident in both his commissioned work and personal projects. Particulalry notable are his portraits of children with Downs Syndrome (2009) and his photo essay on Brazillian gold-mine workers (2001).
Clients: Architektur und Wohnen (A&W), Das Magazin, Focus, Glamour, Haeberlein und Maurer, Maxi, Astra, Gelbe Seiten, Ferrero